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Meet Marty Cooper - the inventor of the mobile phone

"Martin Cooper may not be a household name, but his invention is familiar to more than half the planet's population who own a mobile phone."

Category: Communications


Health of 250,000 mobile phone users to be tracked

"Scientists to look for increased risk of a range of conditions in study spanning five countries, including Britain"

Category: Communications


Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory returns first images

"Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory has provided an astonishing new vista on our turbulent star. The first public release of images from the satellite record huge explosions and great looping prominences of gas."

Category: Space


'Paltry' Copenhagen carbon pledges point to 3C world

"Pledges made at December's UN summit in Copenhagen are unlikely to keep global warming below 2C, a study concludes."

Category: Climate Change


National carbon calculator: Can you cut UK emissions?

"Play UK prime minister and set the policy on energy, transport and other sectors and measure the carbon emissions generated."

Displaying results 691 to 695 out of 2977